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Kameeldoring Country Club
Welcome to the New Travelars Club
Attention to all outside members
We invite you to JOIN the New Travelers Club at Kameeldoring Country Club.
How it Works:
You have to be an active member at any golf club outside Mokopane.
You have to stay no less than 50km from Mokopane.
You only pay R2000.00 per year and you get unlimited rounds of golf to play for a year.
The year starts when we receive the correct documents and the proof of payment of R2000.00
What we need before you can be a part of the Travelers Club:
Proof of active golf membership for 2016
Proof of payment for your renewed membership for 2016
Proof of residential address
We need an ID photo.
Proof of payment for your Travelers Club of R2000.00
Please remember that there are only 50 Travelers Club Memberships available
For more information please contact the office.
Tel: 015 491 5563
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